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Student and developer

The Phantoms of the Co-Opera

The Phantoms of the Co-Opera main menu screen


Cooperative puzzle game where you and your companion find yourselves bound to the lost reality of a theatre.
I was responsible for multiplayer programing and main menu.

The Golden Cigarette

2022 - Present

My current project where you play as a dude trying to conquer the golden cigarette hidden deep within the pyramids.


Image of the server

2022 - Present

Server for storage and a bunch of services.

Ping notifyer

Screenshot of a terminal running ping notifyer


Sends a notification when ping gets a reply.

Project word cover

Screenshot of Project word cover


Self contained AES text encryption app using password.

This website

Screenshot of this website

2020 - Present

Personal portfolio website. Hosted with GitHub pages.

Unnamed project

Screenshot of the games skybox

2020 - 2021

Canceled project where you play as a space pirate trying to conquer and steal various other space ships.

Projekt summer

Fancy image of a flashlight from the game


Canceled horror adventure game with light and sound as major gameplay mechanics.

A wizards cleaning day

Cover for the game


The result of me and a few friends spontaneously deciding to join a game jam with no prior knowledge in anything game design.